Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ironman Arizona 2014 Race Report - Play the Hand You're Dealt

Executive Summary:

2.4 Mile Swim - 1:21:33
T1 - 6:19
112 Mile Bike - 6:12:30
T2 - 3:59
26.2 Mile Run - 5:07:53
Total - 12:52:14

As many of you know, I raced Ironman Canada 2012 with full blown bronchitis.  It was one of the toughest things I’ve done.  About 10 days before Ironman Arizona 2014, Amelia came down with croup.  I probably caught that from her as I was having constant coughing for days.  I went to my asthma doc and the best they could figure out is that my lungs were having some kind of spasms/twitches that caused me to cough.  All the time.  I really felt fine.  No congestion, just this tight feeling and the annoying cough.  So, this was the hand I was dealt.  Better than bronchitis, right?!

The doc had me doing a duo nebulizer treatment twice a day and a new inhaler twice a day for the 4 days leading up to the race.   Tuesday before the race, I tried running on the treadmill.  I lasted 2 minute before the coughing got too bad.  I didn’t panic, though.  I can do anything if I can survive Canada 2012!  

Brian and I flew into Arizona on Thursday before the race.  We met up with some friends and most of the weekend was spent preparing, eating good food, beer and some awesome friends who were there to race, volunteer, or cheer.  It was a really fun weekend...despite the constant coughing.

I was able to run 30 minutes easy on Friday, so I took that as a good sign.  Plenty of coughing, but as long as I didn’t try to push it, I could kinda control it.  Still didn’t panic.  Play with the hand you are dealt.

Saturday’s practice swim, I just took it super easy and was able to control the coughing.  It was actually harder to do that on the easy bike ride.  But, I still didn’t panic.  You’re dealt what you’re dealt at Ironman.  Things could be a lot worse.  I felt like I could do the race as long as I didn’t push too hard.  My doc had a plan for me for race day as well so I knew which meds to take when.

Race Day:
I did a nebulizer treatment at 4:30 am on race day.  I knew it would take a while for my heart rate to come down after it, but that gave me 2.5 hours for it to settle and for the meds to hopefully work.  Headed to Tempe for the big day.  Strangely, I was not nervous at all.  I put in great training this season.  I was trained to race well, but I knew the lungs would be a limiter, so I think I had revised things a bit to just do what I could throughout the day.   We hung out with the Super Sherpas for a bit - they were amazing all weekend!  Then handed off some stuff to Wes from ProBikeExpress ( and we were off to the water.

My original goal was to swim under 1:20, hopefully closer to 1:15.  But, I decided to just cruise it, keep my heart rate down and keep my breathing under control.  Brian and I lined up to the left of the bridge leg and fairly toward the front.  I didn’t plan to be that far up, but we had tons of space, so we just went with it.  The swim felt great.  I didn’t get beat up too badly, had some good drafts along the way.  The only annoying thing was the people who kept stopping dead in front of me for no apparent reason.  Just keep swimming, people!   Overall, this was the easiest of all the Ironman swims I’ve done.  Maybe because I just backed off the effort and cruised it.  Whatever the reason, I really actually enjoyed it!  I did notice that it started to get pretty choppy in the last third of the swim.  Huh.  I’ve swum in Tempe Town Lake 3 other times for other races and it’s never, ever been the least bit choppy.  That’s weird.  (Note - athletes can not be asked to reason during an Ironman.  Wind causes choppy water.  Duh. I know this.  I had no clue during the swim, however!)

Transition 1:
I ran through the chute, grabbed my bag and headed to the change tent.  As I got close to the tent, a woman grabbed my bag and led me to a chair.  My own personal volunteer!  She was great!  She dumped out all my stuff and got it organized while I changed shorts into my super comfy, crotch-saving Coeur shorts!  (  She was so sweet.  I asked her for my wedding ring, which was in a ziplock bag, and she looked shocked as she retrieved it.  I told her not to worry - it’s just a $5 ring from Kohls - I would never bring my real rings to Ironman!  She looked relieved.  I told her I just felt more comfortable with a ring on that finger - it was a way to feel connected to Brian during the day.  Then, I took one of my inhalers as instructed by my doc.  Let’s see if it helps.  Dressed and ready, I ran out, grabbed the bike and got on my way.

Yeah.  So, remember how it was choppy in the water?  I figured out in the first 10 pedal strokes why.  WIND!  Like, a LOT of wind.  As I rolled out of town, I thought....uh, oh.  IMAZ is known for the wind, but usually later in the day, for the last part of the bike.  We’re getting it from the very start.  Oh well.  Here we go.  Loved all the spectators on the bike course in town.  Made the turns in town and headed out to the LONG out-and-back on the Beeline Hwy.  Um...yeah.  WINDY!  But, flat.  So, let’s just see how it goes.  Unfortunately, the wind really made my lung issues worse.  Lots of coughing on the outbound leg.

Got to the turnaround and was thankful for nice volunteers who held my bike while I ran into a porta-potty really quickly - super fast stop - very little time lost there.  I was so grateful for the slight downhill and mostly tailwind, so I flew back to town.  Lap one - down.  Two more to go.

The wind picked up even more on the second lap.  Ugh.  I hate the wind. I would really rather climb a mountain than ride into the wind.  It was mostly headwind on the way out and mostly tailwind on the way back, but there were some tricky, gusty crosswinds that could be scary.   More coughing that seemed to get worse - my chest felt a bit tighter now.  As I got back into town, I really, really didn’t want to get back out there on that third loop.  It’s funny.  I would never quit an Ironman due to wind.  But, the constant conversation in my head was about how I was going to quit.  This is not like me...especially on the bike.  I just felt so crappy.   But, what are you going to do.  This is the hand we were dealt.

And, the wind picked up EVEN MORE on the third loop.  How is this even possible?!   More coughing.  The muscles in my stomach and sides started cramping a little from the coughing.  Mentally, the wind was really hard on me in the last loop.  When I got to the turn around, I was so grateful that I cried actual tears!  Again, I was grateful for all the volunteers.  They had several there to hold bikes while we used porta-potties.  So, another quick break, and I was back on the road.

Started flying back down toward town.  I was hoping maybe once I got out of the wind and off the bike, I could get the coughing more under control.  In the paper the next day and at the awards ceremony, they said it was the worst wind they’ve had at IMAZ in 11 years of racing.  Of course!  :)   I also noticed throughout the ride that there were a LOT of flats, particularly near the turns in town.  I’ve never seen so many flats in my life.  Kudos to the tech support crew who seemed to be helping people left and right.  They worked hard all day!  Thanks to James at TriBella for my flat-proof tires.  He must have sprinkled some extra anti-flat mojo in there.  (

Transition 2:
I was so happy to hand my bike off to a volunteer at the end of this ride.  Cycling is normally my favorite part of triathlon, but the wind really beat me down.  I had another wonderful volunteer help me get changed and ready for the run.  I took my other inhaler and headed out for the run.  Still coughing.

Headed out on the run...directly into the wind.  Ugh.  Really?!   I felt OK in the first 2 miles.  It was so awesome to see our Super Sherpas working at the 2nd aid station.  Lifted my spirits.  As I left that aid station, I was thinking that I just wasn’t feeling right.  I wasn’t sure if it was just that my breathing was harder or maybe the meds I’d been on for several days.  I just felt a little light headed and off somehow.  It was fun to see Kristin and Derek out there cheering - love seeing people having fun spectating!  When I got to the far side of the lake, there are fewer spectators.  I thought as long as I took it slow, I could keep the coughing somewhat under control and maybe not be as light headed and dizzy.  So, I plugged along.  I really started feeling bad after mile 7 after a quick porta-potty stop. 

It was nice seeing Betsy on the far side of the lake.  Always nice to see a smiling face.  I just kept plugging away.  Aid station to aid station.  Made it back to mile 13 and the start of the second loop.  Mary was there and I got a big hug - I really needed that!  But, was pretty discouraged that I had 13 miles to go.  I usually keep a good mental outlook while racing.  But I think racing my second Ironman with lung issues really got to me more than I thought it would.  The coughing wasn’t bad enough to quit and as long as I kept it slow and steady, I didn’t feel too lightheaded.  So, off I went on lap 2.  

When I got to the 2nd aid station the second time, the Super Sherpas were gone, but another woman recognized me - we met in Denver several months ago.  I stopped and chatted with her for a while and got in some chips and chicken broth to bump up my calories and salt.  And, quite frankly to take a little break.  This is not like me.   When I race, I’m usually 100% in forward motion.  But, it was nice to just take that little break.  I kept plugging away after that.  

My goal from the start of the race was to run everything except the aid stations where I would walk and refuel.   I stuck to that until mile 20.  At that point I also allowed myself to walk the hills.  There are not many and they are short, but it helped to not force myself to run up them.   Got to about mile 22 or 23 and took my third and last porta potty stop.  (The run aid stations were awesome with lots of porta potties, so I never had to wait for one.)  I took a brief break for some chicken broth and to mentally regroup to make one final push to the finish.

At some point near mile 24-25, running in the dark, you can hear Mike Reilly calling out people’s names letting them know, “You are an Ironman!”  I shed a few tears thinking about how badly I wanted to hear that again and be done with this race, completing my 5th Ironman.  I shuffled all the way  to the finish, made the turn and for the first time in probably 10 hours, I smiled a real, genuine smile.   I did it!  I finished despite the pain.  This was the hardest marathon (and the slowest!) I have ever run.  I have never worked so hard on the run for an Ironman finish.  It was mentally really, really hard.  Which makes the finish that much sweeter.  I played with the hand I was dealt all day.  That’s a win in my book!  I was thrilled to see the Super Sherpas just past the finish line along with beautiful Amber and Juliet.  They did not have the day they wanted either.  Seeing them I broke into sobs.  Thankfully, they embraced my lunatic, post-Ironman crying.  

I asked a volunteer where the medical tent was.  Instead of pointing me there (we could see it), she walked me all the way there.  The volunteers at this race are truly amazing!  I managed to get some chicken broth down and received some instructions to be sure I stayed on top of my rehydration.  The docs were a bit concerned about my cough, but I promised to do a nebulizer when I got home, so they let me go. I wanted to be sure I didn’t miss Brian.   I found a chair near the athlete food area and waited for Brian.  Thankfully, he came in shortly after that.   I was so proud of him for finishing on a tough day as well!  I started feeling my usual post-Ironman nausea, and I was shaking from the cold, so we headed home.   

So, all in all, not my best day.  About an hour slower than I wanted.  Not my favorite day on an Ironman course.  But, there are always some good things no matter how poorly the race goes.  Here are my favorite things from Ironman Arizona 2014.

  1. Racing for TriBella.  I am honored to wear the race team kit and to be on a team with some really fast, inspiring ladies (including the 4th place Pro, Katy Blakemore!)  Liz, James and Daniel always make sure we are race ready - thank you!!
  2. Djimmer and Christiaan at Rebound (  Thank for getting this old, rickety body ready for another race!!
  3. Super Sherpas!  And, all the wonderful friends who came out to cheer, volunteer, etc.  Even though I felt like crap, I appreciated your smiles and encouraging words on the course and after the race!
  4. The fun, well-stocked aid stations.  The aid station at the turn around on the bike was amazing.  The ones on the run course were even better.  Great music, fun costumes, tri clubs with tents set up having a spectating party.  Loved it.  And, I stopped at a total of 5 porta potties during the day and never had to wait in a line - quite a feat with 2500 athletes out there!
  5. The volunteers.  There were 3000 of them.  They handed out water and food.  They held our bikes while we were in the porta potty.  They did everything in the change tent short of putting my shorts on for me!  Thank you, volunteers!
  6. The course.  Yes, the wind totally sucked on the bike and even on the run.  But the course is actually pretty cool and I will probably do it again.  (Yes, I just said that.)
  7. Starting the swim with Brian.  I loved hanging out, treading water chatting with him before we headed out on our own individual journeys. 
  8. Seeing spectators while swimming.  That pretty much never happens at any other race.
  9. Seeing my athletes out there giving their all, making the best of the hands they were dealt.
  10. Great friends racing, spectating, volunteering and cheering at home.
  11. The finish line.  There are so many times during this race, more than any other I have done, where I wondered if I would actually make it.   If you’ve never been at an Ironman finish line - do it!  Find an Ironman close to you and see the “why”.  Why would we put ourselves through this?  The pain, the physical challenge, the mental battle.  It’s all answered at the finish line. 

So, we all played with the hands we were dealt on race day.  It’s always a gamble - toeing the line at Ironman.  No one is guaranteed a win, a PR, even a finish.  All you can do is try.  Give it everything you have.  Leave it all out there.   Then, when the dust settles, start planning for the next one!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Come Swim With Me!

I'm so excited that I will be coaching a new group swim workout for Highlands Ranch Community Association starting in January.  Winter is the perfect time to hit the pool!  It will be warmer than outside, it's not dependent on weather, and it will be a blast!  Also, the rec center offers childcare at a really reasonable hourly rate!  Here are the details in case you are interested.  

What:  Tri H2O - a class dedicated to beginner/intermediate swimmers who want to learn to swim for fitness or to complete a triathlon. 

Who:  Beginner to Intermediate fitness swimmers and triathletes.

If you have always wanted to do a triathlon but were scared of the swimming part - this class is for you!
If you can swim a bit, but have always been intimidated by typical "masters" swim groups - this class is for you!
If you can swim, but want help with your technique or want to build your endurance - this class is for you!
If you can swim up to 2500 yards in a workout with sets and want the accountability of a coach on deck - this class is for you!

When:  Starting January 5.  Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00-10:00 am   Come two days a week, one day a week, a couple times a month.  Your call!

Where:  Northridge Recreation Center in Highlands Ranch.  8801 Broadway  80126.  

Cost:  You can see the cost at the site below.  I highly suggest a punchcard.  That way, you can come as often as you like, and you won't lose money if you can't make it.  There are rates for Highlands Ranch residents as well as nonresidents.

Please feel free to spread the word to others who might want to join us!  Thanks!

Monday, September 29, 2014

It's That Time Again...Who's Going to Hawaii?!

Many of you have mentioned that you would like to try a triathlon or check out Team in Training.  Now is the BEST time to commit to those things!  Why?  We're about a month away from kicking off our Lavaman Triathlon training season.  What does that entail?

1.  Team in Training (TNT) will get you ready for the Lavaman Triathlon.   The race is an Olympic distance on March 29, 2015 in Kona, HI.   This is a great race for beginners or more advanced athletes.  The race is already sold out except through TNT.  The season starts November 8.

2.  Training will include a complete schedule so you will know exactly what to do every day to get ready.    You will have access to an online schedule that you can check anywhere, anytime.  Beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes will have options to help everyone achieve their goals.

3.  Group workouts will include coached runs on Tuesday evenings, coached swim workouts on Wednesday evenings and coached bikes/runs/combo workouts on Saturday mornings.   Gain new skills, receive encouragement and have fun training with your teammates.

4.  In addition to coaching by certified coaches, a great training schedule, three group workouts each week and a LOT of fun, you will also receive:
  • 3 night hotel stay at this ridiculously awesome hotel.
  • Bike shipping to and from Hawaii.
  • Race entry.
  • Inspiration dinner the night before the race.
  • Triathlon singlet to race in.
So, what do you have to do?   Come join our awesome team, work hard, achieve your goals and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  You will have a team mentor who will walk you through the fundraising part of this program.  And, it's easier than you think.  We have taken dozens of people to the Lavaman Triathlon in the past few years, and all of them raised the money and completed the program.   So, you can, too!  Plus you can rest easy knowing that almost 80% of every dollar raised goes directly to the mission of curing blood cancers.  That's incredible if you compare us to other health organizations.  The fundraising commitment is $4500 for this event.  And, if you want to get registered NOW, you can start fundraising right away, so that gives you about 6 months to get it done.  TNT alumni - you get a discount on the fundraising commitment, so be sure to ask about that!  We'd love to see you back!  The season officially starts November 8.  

If you have questions, please let me know.  I cannot say enough great things about this program and about this race.   I will be coaching again this year, but in 2012, I was a fundraising participant and completed the race.  It was amazing!  Don't miss this.

I don't want to hear about how you would love to do a triathlon but you can't swim.  Do you know how many people have come into this program as terrible swimmers?   A lot.  And many of them have gone on to race Ironman triathlons with 2.4 mile swims.  So, you can do it!  We can teach you!

I don't want to hear about how you would love to do it, but you can't raise the money.   Brian and I have raised money for 8 different events.   It can be done!

This is a great cause.  I've met some amazing families who have struggled with blood cancers.  And, our family has been touched as well.  We can each do something to help.  Pursue your passion, achieve your goals, but most of all…do it with TNT so we can continue to make a difference in cancer patients' lives.  Join us!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Time to think about 2015….wait…what?!

I know.  Its only September!  You just finished (or are finishing up) your 2014 race season!  Why start thinking about 2015?  Here are just a few reasons…

1.  Races sell out.   In fact, many of the races in the first 9 months of 2015 are probably already sold out.  Now is the time to decide what you want to do next year so you don't get shut out!

2.  Prevent post-race depression.  It's a thing, people!  You work hard all season, race hard and have a great race (or a sucky one), and then you sit on the couch eating Cheetos and gaining 10 pounds.  You lose your motivation to do pretty much anything that involves swimming, biking and running.  And, it's totally normal!  But, setting some new goals will get you up and moving.  Besides, your triathlon friends are missing you!

3.  The holidays are coming!  Yes, Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday by far) and other holidays are coming.  Candy corn anyone?!  Holiday cookies?  Having a plan in place will help you avoid the holiday weight gain!

4.  You need an off-season plan.  This can be working on technique a single sport, losing some unwanted pounds, even doing some non-triathlon related activities.  But, I think it's important to stay active so you are not starting at square one in January.

5.  If you are planning to use a coach in 2015, do not wait until January to start talking to your local coaches.  For the 2014 season, many of us were filled up by October or November of 2013.   Why hire a coach?   If you need the accountability, hire a coach.  If you have a pretty significant weakness in one or more sports, hire a coach.  If you are moving up to the half Ironman or full Ironman distance, definitely, definitely hire a coach!   There are so many great coaches in the Denver area.  It's pretty easy to find one that matches your style.  I am currently taking athletes myself for 2015 and would love to work with you to reach your goals - whether that's taking on your first triathlon or fastest one.  Or, moving up in distance.   Contact me for more information!

I haven't even finished the 2014 race season and I'm already looking forward to 2015.  Hope you are, too!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How Do I Know if I'm Ready?

This is a question I hear a lot as a triathlon coach.  I hear it in all kinds of contexts, but below are the ones I hear the most.  The hot topics seem to be masters swimming, hiring a coach, and racing full or half Ironman distances.  Hopefully this might help some of you to decide if you are "ready"!

How do I know if I'm ready for masters swimming?
This depends a lot on your swim background, your comfort in the water and the type of masters group you are looking at.  If you have a swimming background - go for it!  It will probably bring back some of your competitive fire from back in your swimming days!   If you do not come from a swim background, how comfortable are you in the water?  Do you currently swim workouts on your own with sets, a variety of paces, drills, etc?  If so - go for it!  You will likely be able to push yourself further out of your comfort zone, and it might make swimming more fun!   Just be sure to save at least one swim day each week to swim on your own to further work on your drills, technique, etc in a non-competitive environment.

Now, for the newbies in the crowd…masters swimming can be intimidating, right?!  All these swimmers cruising through lap after lap at crazy fast paces, swimming all four strokes, flip turning!  The key for a beginner is to find the right type of masters group.  Some groups are crazy competitive and are filled with "real swimmers".  But, there are PLENTY of groups who are more beginner friendly, or at least have a beginner-friendly lane or two.  You might also find out how hands-on the coach is on deck.  Are they just running a workout or will they work with you on technique?   A coach on deck can help you improve, and meeting up with a masters group will hold you accountable to get your swimming in each week.

Check your local rec center/gym to see what they offer.  Or, visit for more info or to find a group.

If you are truly a beginner just starting to string some laps together, I would suggest continuing to work on your own (or ideally with a coach) on technique and building endurance until you can swim longer sets with no problem.

How do I know if I'm ready to race a half or full Ironman distance?
Everyone seems to be jumping on the Ironman band wagon.   But, are you ready for the long stuff?  First let me say that there is nothing wrong with racing sprint and olympic distance races only.  Racing those shorter distances can be HARD for sure!  I personally love racing long.  But, there are a lot of factors in looking to make that jump.

First - what is your background in each of the sports and in triathlon?  I would advise spending a season or two racing shorter distances to become familiar with all things triathlon and to work on your skills in all three sports.    Next - what are your strengths and weaknesses?  If you have a lot of work to do in one or more of the sports, consider giving yourself another season to put in the work to become stronger in those.

Then, consider your work/family life.  Does your schedule allow you to train as much as would be required for the longer races?  Keep in mind that not everyone can or should train 15-20 hours a week for Ironman.  It can be done on less.  But, you will still have to put in the time to train.  Really look at your family schedule, your work schedule, your social schedule to see if the time is right to go long.

Last, really, really think about whether you WANT to race an Ironman.  Just because your friends are doing it, or everyone in your triathlon club is doing it, doesn't mean you have to do it.  You will make sacrifices - sleep, social engagements, etc.  Do you really want to be out there riding your bike for 4-6 hours on Saturday while your friends are having brunch and going to a movie?  Week after week after week.  Ironman training is not always glamorous.  But, it's rewarding and can be a lot of fun!

How do I know if I'm ready to hire a coach?
Some people are great at training on their own.  They can read a book or find an online schedule and make it work for them.  They are self-motivated and have a good sense of what they want to get out of the sport.  But, others seem to need a little more direction.  Some people need the accountability of a coach.  Others just can't find the time or mind-space to sit down and piece together a training schedule.

In my opinion, the biggest value in using a coach is that your schedule will be for YOU.  Online schedules can be great, but they do not take into account your strengths and weaknesses.  Often, they are just trying to get in 3 swims, 3 bikes and 3 runs each week.  If you have a busy schedule, fitting in 9 workouts a week can be daunting if not impossible.  So, which workouts should you cut?  When you use a coach, they will take the time you have to train and give you the workouts that give you the most bang for your buck.  A coach can also make changes on the fly for illness, travel, work, etc.   A coach can push you harder than you would work on your own.  Or, a coach can reign you in if you tend to overtrain and do too much.  Coaches take the guess work out of training.

If you decide you are ready for a coach, you can find a coach at or by asking around in your triathlon community.  Or, you can train with a group like Team in Training ( that provides coaching as part of the package.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

After 9 years and 2 kids…finally a half Ironman PR!!

Executive Summary:
Swim - 38:49  (1.2 miles)
T1 - 2:45
Bike - 2:49:15  (56 miles)
T2 - 2:00
Run - 1:52:34  (13.1 miles)
Total - 5:25:23

In 2005 I raced the Harvest Moon half Iron distance triathlon in Aurora, CO.   I had a good race and managed a new PR of 5:30.  Then, there was a break to have babies, but there were 5 failed attempts to break 5:30 in the last 9 years.  I came close with a 5:34 and 5:33 at Soma in AZ over the years.   They were pretty good races, just not good enough.

Last year, I was perfectly trained for a new PR at Kansas 70.3  But, bronchitis on race day got in the way of that attempt.  So, it was back to Kansas in 2014 for another try.  This would be number 16 for me - the half Ironman is my favorite distance!  The Kansas course is really well suited to me.  A fairly hilly bike course and a pretty flat run.  I actually love the course and couldn't wait to race it this year!

The weekend started out well - no bronchitis and lots of fun times with all our friends out there.  But, I've had some nagging things going on with my calves.  It started with a pulled muscle in the left calf about 10 days out from the race.  The miracle worker, physical therapist Djimmer Bosman, got me fixed up, but not before the limping around took a toll a bit on the right calf.  By race weekend, both calves were sore and twitchy.  But, not debilitating, so the race was on!!

My swim felt pretty good throughout.  My wave was pretty small, so I had plenty of space.  But, I did have two girls who swam my pace, but were terrible at sighting, so they were often in my way.  All in all, the swim felt good.   I was a little disappointed in my time, but I got what I deserved with the swim training I've put in.

The bike is always fun for me.  I passed a ton of women from the age group ahead of me but passed very few in my age group - or so I thought.  I knew this meant that I had come out of the swim either really far behind or really far ahead - the latter is not likely!  I went into the bike in 23rd place and came off it in 9th.  So, apparently I did pass more women than I thought.  My goal was to hold back in the first 30 miles and then push the pace a bit coming back.  But, putting any pressure on my calves on the hills sent pain through them.  So, I super-easy spun up all the hills - and there are plenty out there.  I love this course - the roads are awesome and it's pretty farm country out there.

The run is where most of the women in my age group pass me back.   I was worried that my right calf would give me trouble so my goal was to go a bit easier on the first loop and see how things would go. I knew starting the run that I would need a 1:57 or better for a new PR.   Wasn't sure if it was in the cards.  I felt amazing for the first 3 miles, which I think are the harder miles in the loop.  Took a quick potty break at the bottom of the big hill and, unlike last year, cruised right up the hill.  I was almost giddy at how much better I felt this year than last year.  At mile 3 last year, I almost dropped out of the race.  This year, I started planning for a new PR.  I didn't want to get too excited though and blow it or have my calf go out on me.  So, I continued to hold back and enjoy the run.  Finished the first loop much faster than I expected.   I decided to try to hold my pace until mile 11.  The big hill was certainly harder on the second loop, but I ran the whole thing and just kept plugging along.    I leap frogged quite a bit with a woman in my age group.  She was clearly a better runner than me, but was having some issues with her hip.  She was really nice, so while we battled a bit for that position, we enjoyed chatting along the way when we were near each other.  I love when that happens on the run.  It makes things go much faster, too.

Got to mile 11 and decided to go for it.   I couldn't believe how quickly the 11 miles had passed.  That NEVER happens for me on the run.  Everything after mile 8 is usually a drag for me, but not this time!  I gave everything I had in the last 2 miles.  I knew I would be close to hitting 5:25 and I really wanted it.  The calf hurt, but not enough to back off.   As I made the turn into the finishing chute, I was passed by a woman in my age group.  I was bummed, but I couldn't go with her.  I found out later that she bumped me out of the top 10 in our age group.  But, I got the new PR - 5:25!  And a new run PR by about 3 minutes.

It's been a long time since I've been excited about a race result.  But, I was thrilled with this one.  And, having so many friends there made it even more special.  I was thrilled to learn that Brian hit a new PR as well, coming in at 5:46.  I'm so proud of him - he did awesome out there this year!

Getting a new PR hurts.  But, it's totally worth it in the end.  I'm excited and proud that I pushed myself to get there.  Congrats to all my friends who finished the race this weekend - some were first-timers, some set new PRs out there, and some participated in some great relay teams.  I'm so proud of all of you - you all inspire me!!  And, thanks to my wonderful in-laws who stayed home with our kids so Brian and I could get out there and do something we love.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chicago anyone?!

Many of you have mentioned that you would like to try a triathlon or check out Team in Training.  Now is a GREAT time to commit to those things!  Why?  We're about to kick off our Fall Triathlon training season.  What does that entail?

1.  Team in Training (TNT) will get you ready for the Chicago Triathlon.   The race is an Olympic distance on August, 2014.   This is a great race for beginners or more advanced athletes.   It's one of the most popular races in the country!

2.  Training will include a complete schedule so you will know exactly what to do every day to get ready.    You will have access to an online schedule that you can check anywhere, anytime.  Beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes will have options to help everyone achieve their goals.

3.  Group workouts will include coached runs on Tuesday evenings, coached swim workouts on Wednesday evenings and coached bikes/runs/combo workouts on Saturday mornings.   Gain new skills, receive encouragement and have fun training with your teammates.

4.  In addition to coaching by certified coaches, a great training schedule, three group workouts each week and a LOT of fun, you will also receive:
  • A TNT training shirt
  • Hotel accommodations in Chicago
  • Bike transportation to and from Chicago
  • Race entry
  • Inspiration dinner the night before the race
  • Triathlon top to race in
So, what do you have to do?   Come join our awesome team, work hard, achieve your goals and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  You will have a team mentor who will walk you through the fundraising part of this program.  And, it's easier than you think.  Thousands of people have completed the program.  So, you can, too!  Plus you can rest easy knowing that almost 80% of every dollar raised goes directly to the mission of curing blood cancers.  That's incredible if you compare us to other health organizations.  The fundraising commitment is $3,800 for this event.  And, if you want to get registered NOW, you can start fundraising right away, so that gives you about 4 months to get it done.  TNT alumni - you get a discount on the fundraising commitment, so be sure to ask about that!  We'd love to see you back!

If you have questions, please let me know.  I cannot say enough great things about this program and about this race.   

I don't want to hear about how you would love to do a triathlon but you can't swim.  Do you know how many people have come into this program as terrible swimmers?   A lot.  And many of them have gone on to race Ironman triathlons with 2.4 mile swims.  So, you can do it!  We can teach you!

I don't want to hear about how you would love to do it, but you can't raise the money.   Brian and I have raised money for 8 or 9 different events.   It can be done!

This is a great cause.  I've met some amazing families who have struggled with blood cancers.  We can each do something to help.  So, join us!!