Wednesday, March 8, 2017

OK, Nike…I Get It!

I'm not a huge fan of Nike.  But, I think they got one thing right.  Just Do It.  There are just so many places we can use this idea in our lives.  It's come up a lot lately for me.  Monday, I had a run scheduled for 10:15 am right after coaching masters swim.  At 10:15, I was sitting on my couch.  "Maybe I could go later - maybe it will be warmer.  Nope, weather forecast says it's going to get colder.  It's SOOOOOOO windy out.  Ugh.  Maybe I could go run after I drop the girls off at church later today.  I wonder what the weather will be like at 4pm?"  I spent probably 20 minutes on the couch negotiating with myself about doing this run.  Finally, it clicked.  Just do it!  Just change clothes and get out the door.  So, I did!  Right.  Then.

Another Skirt Sports ambassador summed it up so well.  Even though I LOVE to run, love to work out,  love to train, it's still a decision - every time.   And, it's not always an easy decision.  But, I never regret getting out there!

So, back to that windy run.  I have a wind scale that goes from 1 to Ironman Arizona 2014.  Those of you who raced that year know what I'm talking about.  It was awful.  There were tears.   So, Monday's wind rated from a 6 in the first half of the run to an 8-9 later in the run with a few moments of IMAZ14.    That race years ago has forever changed my perspective about wind.  When we go through hard things, it definitely changes our perspective.  Giving birth to two babies has changed my perspective about what's hard.  Labor and delivery - HARD.  Ironman - fun.   Raising two girls - HARD.  Getting out to swim, bike or run - fun.   It's all how you view things - where you've come from, what you've been through.

So, on day 68 of my workout streak, I'm feeling good, making the tough decisions to push forward, moving closer to my race goals for 2017.

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