Week of Oct 16:
Swim = 5000 yards
Bike = 16 miles
Run = 25+ miles
Strength = 1 hour (1 session)
Highlights: I got to run with Denise C, Rebecca, Kara and Denise E this week. I also had the opportunity to introduce some people to trail running. They loved it, and they don't hate me! I also got to ride with Roger. Doing what I love with great people is why I have trained and raced for 22 years. Thank you, guys!
Missed the Mark: Tuesday I had a major vertigo episode. One of the worst I have had. I didn't snap out of it for about 8 hours. And the effects lingered for weeks. So, I missed pilates and a run as well as a ride the following day. But, I'm doing PT and hopefully will get a handle on this soon. Thanks to Tonya for working with me on this!
Notes: Vertigo was a big factor this week. :(
Week of Oct 23:
Swim = 2600 yards
Bike = 37+ miles
Run = 19+ miles
Strength = 45 minutes (1 session)
Highlights: Got to ride with Roger, though we nearly froze to death! Also got to ride with Jess. Had a fun trail running adventure at Matthews Winters with Kara and Rebecca - forgot how hard that 6.5 mile loop is. And, I ran a 5k for fun since I was working at the event.
Missed the Mark: Missed one strength session. And, I let myself have a Saturday off for kids soccer and college football. It was pretty awesome!
Notes: I don't love racing 5ks. But, running a 5k without chip timing, etc. for fun with a bunch of people in Halloween costumes is fun! Pretty excited to run The Great Candy Run with the family in a few weeks!
On to weeks 5 and 6!!