Sunday, October 15, 2017

Training Has Officially Started! U520K Weeks 1-2

I've decided to post about my journey to Ultra520K Canada 2018.  Mostly so I can look back on the journey and recall the highs, the lows, the crazy, the friends who accompany me, the laughter and the tears.  So, the first 2 weeks of training are done.  Since the race is not until August, I'm just building up slowly to get ready.

Week of Oct 2:
Swim = 4800 yards
Bike = 16 miles
Run = 18+ miles
Strength = 1 hour (1 session)

Highlights: Even though I only got one short ride in and haven't ridden in a long while, I was reminded that every time I get on my bike, I feel like I'm home!  It's never really hard, always fun and I love it!  Also, super glad Kara joined me for part of my long run!

Missed the Mark:  Needed to add one more strength day.

Notes:  Kids' fall break started and we were in Vail for 3 days for a soccer tournament!

Week of Oct 9:
Swim = 7000 yards
Bike = Nada
Run = 23+ miles
Strength = Nada

Highlights: Since all my medical issues, I have not been able to swim very long, fast or consistently.  So, while 7000 yards in a week might not sound like much, the fact that I was able to swim three times in one week with no issues is HUGE!  I will never be able to swim fast again.  (And, let's be real, 1:25 per 100 is not that fast!) . But, things are going well!  And, I'm happy that Rebecca was able to join me for my long trail run!

Missed the Mark:  No bike or strength.  (Did I mention the kids are off on fall break?!)

Notes:  Yeah...fall break.  Oh, and it snowed on Monday!  Enjoying the slow ramp up and plenty of family time with soccer, movie nights, etc.

On to weeks 3 and 4!!