Tuesday, February 28, 2017

60 days…and an injury?!

Wow!  60 straight days of workouts!   It's not always easy, but it feels great!  Some days, it's just a short 2-3 mile run.  Other days are 2-3 hours running on tough trails.  Many of my workouts have been really fun adventures with friends.  Others have been slogs on the treadmill late in the evening to get it done.   Day 60 included a few miles on the treadmill with a couple TNT athletes.  Treadmills are way more fun with friends!  Overall, I'm just so grateful to be out there!

And, I have two new favorite words - PAIN FREE!   I feel absolutely amazing on my runs.  No pain. So, what's this talk of an injury, you ask?  Apparently I slept REALLY wrong on my arm/shoulder last Saturday night and have had issues with my right arm since.   I went to Djimmer and Christiaan - my amazing physical therapists at Rebound Therapy and Wellness - to get it checked out.  "What did you do?!"  Um…I went to bed and then I woke up.  Yep - I hurt my arm sleeping!  That sounds about right.  Other than having a t-rex arm for a few days, it has not held me back much and I can still run without any pain.  Yay!  PAIN FREE!

A workout streak is pretty easy when the weather is great.  But last week, I ran 10 hard trail miles in 3 inches of snow and then ran the following day in more snow.  Thankfully, my friends are tougher than me, so I'm grateful to them for the inspiration to just get out there!  I'm still nervous about my first trail marathon in April, but I'm really excited for this new adventure!  Onward to day 70…thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

50 Days and Counting - Thanks to Great People!

Whew!  The streak is alive.  Barely.  50 straight days of workouts.   The streak almost ended Friday.  The kids were out of school, so I juggled play dates, errands, swim lessons and gymnastics.  By the time Brian got home near 6pm, I just didn't want to run.   The 13 mile trail run in Deer Creek Canyon left my ankles and feet feeling like I'd run a marathon.  Or two.   I was tired.  It was dark.  I just didn't want to.   Brian encouraged me to just head to the rec center and get in a few miles.  Nope.  Don't want to.

All I could think about as I laced up my shoes, drove to the rec center, did some dynamic warm ups - I don't want to.  But, I did!   I ran 1.5 miles on the indoor track and 2.5 on the treadmill.  My shortest workout in 50 days, but got it done!

Saturday - the 50th day - was much easier to get motivated.  Dry, warm weather and I got to coach the TNT Lavaman team on the bike.  Plenty of climbing, which I love.  The TNT team always provides the motivation I need to get out there.  They are excited about their race and you can tell!

Then, we had a going away dinner for a friend last night.  There were 15 of us at dinner.  I met all of these amazing 15 people through endurance sports, specifically TNT.  They range in age from late 20s to late 40s.  All different backgrounds.  But, we met in an atmosphere of support and encouragement, so as we have moved on to different things from our first meetings, we continue that atmosphere of love and support as we send Mike off to his next adventure.

I've said this a million times.  I've met so many great people through endurance sports and through TNT.  I'm so grateful for these people!

So, off I go chasing the 60th day of this streak.  I feel like I can get there because I have the support of my family and friends!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

3 Things I've Learned in this 40 Day Workout Streak

So, it's been 40 days straight of workouts.   Today's workout was a 2150 yard swim.  It's hard to believe.  It's been a rough 3 years to get to this point.  So, with every workout, I'm filled with gratitude!  I've definitely learned a few things along the way, too.  Here are the biggest three so far...

1)  Consistency breeds consistency.  Once I was about 7 days into my workouts (which were never intended to be a streak), it just got easier and easier to get the workouts in.   I found that I had fewer excuses NOT to work out.  I found that I really WANTED to get my workouts done.  The more I get the workouts done, the easier the workouts are.  I haven't been sore or really that tired.  My body feels better with every workout.  What's the saying?  If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting in the first place!  It really does get easier with consistency!

2)  Training makes me a better person.  I feel happier in the other parts of my life (work, family, household chores) when I've gotten my workout in.  I'm even happier to see the kids when they get out of school, even happier to see Brian when he gets home.  I feel calmer, more organized.  It helps me so much mentally.

3)  Scary goals are great for motivation!  If there is that little feeling of wanting to skip a workout, I really think about what I've committed to for 2018.   If I can't suck it up and get out for an hour today, what will push me to train hard in 2018 for MANY hours a day to get ready for Ultra520K Canada?!  The goal helps get me out the door.  But, truth be told, I love the process.  I love the training as much if not more than I love racing.

So, right now, I'm running about 5 days a week to get ready for some upcoming trail races.  I'm swimming twice a week to start to build some consistency there and work through the muscle weakness in my arms.  And, I'm riding occasionally as well.  Doing something every day!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Are You Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone?

My comfort zone - road running, road cycling, swimming.  I understand these things.  I feel safe and comfortable doing these things.   So...trail running.  Shouldn't be that much of a stretch, right?  Wrong.  I'm learning lots about how different it is.  It's physically different.  And, it's definitely mentally different.

But, I think this year will be good for me.  Two trail marathons (hard ones) and one trail 50K (a relatively easy one) this spring/early summer.   How many times do we think about trying something new, only to retreat to the things we are comfortable with?    But, what can happen when we get (and stay for a while) outside our comfort zone?!

I have a client who was a treadmill runner.  She was new to running and felt safe and comfortable on the treadmill.  When I started coaching her for her first half marathon, I encouraged her to do most of her running outside.  This was scary for her, but she committed to doing it.  The latest text from her this week was asking if she could rearrange a few days of her training so she could work around her work schedule to get her runs done outside so she wouldn't be stuck on the treadmill.   It surprised me and I'm sure this change in mindset has surprised her!

The biggest change for me moving into trail running is the mindset.  I'm used to running in a fairly straight line on fairly straight-forward terrain for a long time.  I know exactly what my pace should be/will be.   I'm trying to embrace the trail running mindset a bit more.  Getting out there, exploring the terrain, understanding that I will have to hike the steep uphills, that I will not "run" the whole thing and my pace will be considerable slower than on the roads.  And, that's OK!  So far, it's been fun.  Hopefully it will still be fun when I'm close to last place in the marathon in Fruita in April!

Anyone else challenging themselves in 2017 to get out of the comfort zone?!